Once in a while someone comes along, that one in a million person who just stands out and you can't quite put your finger on it but you just know they are meant to be a part of your life.
Today's "will miss" is one of the most amazing women I have ever met, her strength, character, compassion and ability to get up and keep going no matter what is thrown her way has inspired me many times over this past 20 months to do the same. Her innate ability to say the "right" words to remind me that I too am a strong and capable person has made my life that little but easier and her open door policy to her home has kept me housed when I quite possibly could have found myself homeless. Her friendship has been a firm reminder to me that life is precious and God takes care of me no matter what! I will miss our late night chats and the discussions I seem to only be able to share with her, I will miss her smiling face and reassuring hugs!
Will miss 29 - Adrienne xxx
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